Chris said:
> I've just installed ClamAV last night and after reading through the
> archives I
> setup a cronjob to restart freshclam on boot.  I got a chance to test this
> today since my box decided that it wasn't going to play anymore, after the
> reboot I noticed two freshclam processes running, one with no variables
> and
> the other as I had set it up in the cronjob with -d -c 24.  I take it then
> that the cronjob is not necessary to restart freshclam and that all
> variables
> are read from the /etc/freshclam.conf file.  Is that a correct assumption?

I prefer to run freshclam out of cron as it means I don't need to create a
daemon monitoring process for freshclam. I also prefer to use a randomizer
to avoid piling on the servers - don't, for example, run cron at cardinal
time points. Here's a script I adapted from an a submission in this list:


sleep $[ RANDOM % 3000 ]

/usr/local/bin/freshclam --quiet --daemon-notify=/usr/local/etc/clamd.conf

It sleeps a random time then gathers the new database. It's more server
friendly than lighting off at 0 * * * * in cron.


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