On 07/12/05, Depeche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> I'm trying update clamav 0.80 to 0.87
> Using FC2. When i run;
> rpm -Uvh clamav-0.87.1-2.i386.rpm
> to appear;
> warning: clamav-0.87.1-2.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 6cdf2cc1
> error: Failed dependencies:
>         clamav = 69:0.80-1 is needed by (installed) clamav-devel-0.80-1
> my clamav;
> rpm -qa | grep clam
> clamav-0.80-1
> clamav-devel-0.80-1
> How can i solve my problem?

Remove clamav-devel before trying to upgrade clamav. Then install the
newer version of clamav-devel afterwards?

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