Hi Greg,

        It worked with a full cvsup. Thank you!

- Marcelo Souza

On Wed, 14 Dec 2005, Craig Green wrote:

|> On Wed, 14 Dec 2005, Craig Green wrote:
|> |That's odd.  Are you sure you're running as root?  And that you're not out
|> of
|> |space on /usr?  Permissions and space are the only things I can think of for
|> |why make can't open the Makefile.
|>     Yes, I root with sudo. And Yes, I have a lot of free space.
|I'd suggest just su'ing to root and not playing games with sudo.  Sudo is great
|for single-shot script or program execution, but make calls a lot of stuff in
|the build process.
|I'd like to also re-emphasize the 'make clean' step.  It's likely not a
|concern, but when you're having problems...
|>     I've made a cvsup but just for "ports-security", could be it.
|> Should I do a cvsup to entire ports?
|Maybe.  The base Makefiles in /usr/ports/Mk on my systems show that a number of
|them have changed in the recent past.  If you just updated ports-security, they
|may not have been touched.  Since you're having problems, doing an update of
|ports-all couldn't hurt.
|Personally, I always just do ports-all and have done.  I got bit a couple of
|times when I excluded subtrees I thought I'd never use, then had a program have
|a dependency that fell within one of the excluded subtrees.  The 500 MB or so
|the complete ports tree takes may once have been a cause of concern, but with
|the drives of the last few years, a GB just isn't as impressive as it used to
|be... :-)

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