Steffen Kluge said:
> On Mon, 2005-12-19 at 16:56 -0800, Dennis Peterson wrote:
>> [undecoded PGP/MIME message snipped]
>> So that you would see what I see when you post I left in all your mime
>> content.
> So ELM does actually present a bit stream as sequence of printable
> characters? How modern!

It's called "email".

>> This too is inappropriate in a mail list.
> By whose judgment? The mailing list rules say:

By people who insist on trimming unneeded content. Dat be you, brah. You
did read what you wrote, right?

> - Read the FAQ ( before posting
> - Search the archives before asking a question
> - Do NOT top-post (see
> - Do NOT quote everything
> - Do NOT send HTML mails
> - Do use MUTT instead of ELM
> Ok, I made up the last one. But nothing about PGP. Don't get me wrong,
> I'm not interested in debating you on this issue. I won't even call you
> a wanker (because I believe this is inappropriate for any kind of
> civilised conversation).

Regarding pgp/gpg: It contributes nothing. It is superflous. I care not
that you or your biometric twin wrote the prose attributed to you. I'm
more interested in the content than the source. This mail list hasn't a
brain so I use my own to sort out which is real and which is an illusion.
I don't need or want your or any else's pgp/gpg mime content filling my
archives of this or any list. It contributes nothing except consumption of
disk space. It is without value. It is the very essence of bloviation.
When I go back over it and look again I find the same wasted yardage of
compublather. The proof? Here we are having this conversation and we're
not at all confused about who the particpants are. I'm not filling my
messages with pgp-mime, and I'm ignoring that which you are spewing and
yet we're having this conversation. Need more evidence for it's

I called nobody a wanker - I left that to the readers for
self-identification. Did you self-identify as a wanker? If so, why?
Rhetorical, of course.

Merry Christmas, good cheer.



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