Hey folks,

   So, my Samba server did its weekly scan this morning, and
imagine my surprise when it tagged Google's video player
installer as "Trojan.Clicker.Small-100".

   I looked this up in the database, and it didn't give a lot
of information, really.  Of all the companies out there that I'd
mostly trust not to bundle some crapware with their software,
Google would be right up there.

   Is this a false positive?  Or did Google let the marketing
weenies out of their cages too early, and they are indeed
bundling some crapware with their video installer?  Norton
Anti-Virus 2006 doesn't alert on it, as a point of reference.



"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention
in human history, with the possible exceptions of handguns and
tequila."                                          -- Dave Pooser


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