Matt Fretwell a écrit :
On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 11:49:41 +0100
Can someone tell me the differences between clamav-server and
clamav ? what's clamav-server and do I need it ?
trying to #/sbin/chkconfig --level 2345 clamav-<SERVICE> on,
idem for clamd.conf : what is <SERVICE> ?
what are the differences between clamscan and clamdscan ?
Clamscan is a commandline scanner which loads the DB's every
time it is called. Clamdscan communicates with the clamd server,
which is the more efficient method as the clamd daemon loads the
DB's once at startup, (and then just when the DB's are updated).
ok, that's fine, so when I need to scan a directory, I'll use clamdscan
in the future.
Now, I'm trying to install clamd as a deamon, running at every linux
Here is the output of /etc/init.d/clamd.init :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] init.d]$ more clamd.init
# chkconfig: - 75 25
# description: The clamd server running for <SERVICE>
. /usr/share/clamav/clamd-wrapper
Last question :
What <SERVICE> do I need to put into ?
If I clear the field, clamd-init complains about clamd.conf not configured.
Il I insert something like, let's say "clamd" wich is the daemon I'd
hope to start, here is the output :
Démarrage de clamd.clamav-server :/etc/init.d/functions: line 148:
clamd.clamd : command not found
[ÉCHOUÉ] (failed)
Of course clamd.clamd or clamd.whatever are not meant to be found among
any existing executable in /usr/sbin or /usr/bin
I have the sensation that I will have to edit myself some *.conf files,
replacing variables... which makes me feel rather inconfortable
Anyway, many thanks for your help !