Le Mercredi 29 Mars 2006 14:57, Sander Holthaus a écrit :
> From the FAQ:
> My Question: Which extensions does ClamAV look for? It seems to
> recognize .ndb and .hdb, so does it recognize files with /\.[a-z]db$/ ?
>    1.
>       *I can't wait for you to update the database! I need to use the
>       new signature NOW!*
>           No problem, save your own signatures in a text file with .db
>           extension. Put it in the same dir where the .cvd files are
>           located. ClamAV will load it after the official .cvd files.
>           You need not to sign the .db file.
> What is the rule here?

It recognize db, ndb, hdb, fp, and of course cvd.

> Second, I'm wondering, is there any way for ClamAV to drop a database
> (but not main and daily cvd's) if there is a problem with it?
> Currently, if the database directory contains a malformatted db-file,
> clamd dies on reload. While the db-dir should never contain a
> malformatted db, there are situation where it may happen. In those
> cases, I want ClamAV to drop the db, but reload with good db's.

In this case, remove the malformatted db-file from the database directory and 
restart clamd.


Arnaud Jacques
Consultant Sécurité

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