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Fermín Galán Márquez wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Fermín Galán. I'm a newcomer in the list, so please
> forgive me if I ask some stupid questions :)
> I'm involved in a forensic analysis of a Windows system. I have
> extracted the cracked disk particion and mounting it in the
> GNU/Linux system where I'm performing the analysis. One of the
> steps is to search for viruses and I'm using clamav to do it.
> It seems (manpage) that clamscan is able to search inside .zip and
> .rar files, right? However, I would like to know also if the tool
> is powerfull enough in order to search inside attachment files in
> mails that are stored in .dbx files (.dbx is the mailbox format
> that Outlook Express uses) and .pst files (uses by Outlook). There
> are several .dbx and .pst in the system I'm analysing and I suspect
> that some of them may content a virus in a mail attachment.
> Otherwise, is there any workarround? (maybe a tool that extracts
> attaches in mails in a .dbx to plain files and then using clamscan
> on them)
> Any information/help is really welcome... Thanks in advance!
> (I've searched the list archives regarding this topic, but I didn't
> find anything; however, if I'm wrong and this topic has been
> already treated, please provide me a URL to the thread or
> discussion)
> Best regards,
> -------------------- Fermín Galán Márquez CTTC - Centre Tecnològic
> de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya Parc Mediterrani de la
> Tecnologia, Av. del Canal Olímpic s/n, 08860 Castelldefels, Spain
> Room 1.02 Tel : +34 93 645 29 12 Fax : +34 93 645 29 01 Email
> address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm not sure ClamAV is the right tool for you. I doubt that ClamAV
scan scan inside pst-files, you need the MAPI-interface for that.
Also, I don't think dbx files are supported either, but it still might
be possible for clam to recognize viruses in them.

I would guess that your best bet is going for a scanner (actually,
scanners I you want to do a thorough job) that has Windows as its
native platform (ClamAV is designed for *nix) and doing it from a
Windows environment (which would allow you to use the MAPI-interface
to scan inside the pst's). But it really depends on what kind of
system and compromise (accidental or professionally targeted) you're
dealing with.

Kind Regards,
Sander Holthaus
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (MingW32)


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