John Hinton wrote:
Chris Burton wrote:
09:12 http-proxy[14382]: [] Error while sending/receiving. Can't receive
data from server (Connection refused)

Have I been banned from the system? No configuration changes made at
this end. If so what do I do about it?

Last night many mirrors with 100Mbit connections seemed to be maxed out or close to it (including which is why you would of experienced issues getting updates. The mirror is no more as I pulled the plug on it last night, but if you keep trying you should get to a working mirror eventually.

Chris Burton

This seems to have broken my systems as well, or at least two of them. I upgraded weeks ago, but suddenly yesterday I started getting the dread

ERROR: Problem with internal logger.

I have checked permissions on the logs and everything looks fine. These two systems are CentOS 3.7 using the Dag repo for ClamAV installs and updates.

Can anyone lead me in the direction for repairing this issue?

John Hinton



I love answering my own post... I found the problem. Freshclam must have bombed due to the dying server. It left a truncated log at the end of the log file. I forced a rotate of the freshclam and clamav logs and everything is now back in working condition.

John Hinton

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