On Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 07:39:16AM +1000, Robert S said:
> I have been looking at replacing my debian box with ubuntu dapper LTS
> (because of the "LTS").  I have been thwarted by the fact that there
> does not seem to be a compatible repository for clamav.  I don't want
> to have to compile clamav manually every time a new release comes out.
> Is there a repository out there?  I've put a message on the ubuntu
> forums but have not been told that such a thing exists.

I have no idea whether such a thing exists, but you can usually install
debian packages on ubuntu, unless one or the other has incompatibly
changed library version or something.  It's not hard to build from
source, or build debian packages from the debian source package.  I
think there is an apt-source program out there somewhere that keeps
track of what you are rebuilding from source and that sort of thing.

Good luck,
|  Stephen Gran                  | Horner's Five Thumb Postulate:          |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             | Experience varies directly with         |
|  http://www.lobefin.net/~steve | equipment ruined.                       |

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