Jim Shupert, Jr. wrote:
> Friends,
> I have a linux redHat es3 machine that i am going to use for file
> serving - samba sharing with a net full of windows machines. 
> I was wondering if ClamAV sounds like a good anti virus solution to
> run on this RH linux box. 
> - also I see that there are fedora 
> http://crash.fce.vutbr.cz/crash-hat/5/clamav/ 
> and
> Other very good repositories are maintained by Dag Wieers dag at
> wieers.com 
> http://dag.wieers.com/packages/clamav/
> and a RH 8 version
> RedHat 8.0:
> http://rpms.linux-kernel.at/?current=/lkernAT/redhat/extras/8.0/i386 
> so... I am wondering which of these would work for me?
> would a RedHat8.0  ( i suppose these will be rpms )  work for me? -
> RedHat ES3 -? 
> thanks
> I also have a mailserver ( mandriva 2006 - was mandrake 10 ... but
> updated ) 
> would Clam AV be a good idea there?

ClamAV is a good idea everywhere! :)

As for repositories, Dag builds good packages for RedHat.  Personally,
I prefer to build ClamAV from source.  This allows me to keep as
up-to-date as possible without having to wait on the packager to build
each new version.  Clam builds very easily on RedHat.  I haven't used
Mandriva, but I wouldn't expect any problems.


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