Dennis Peterson wrote:
> Christoph Cordes wrote:
> > Dennis Peterson wrote:
> > > I already know the question is difficult, but it isn't impossible
> > > to answer as there are other AV vendors who have a solution for
> > > this particular problem if the article is to be believed.
> > > 
> > 
> > So you want to know if the ClamAV Team monitors an infected system
> > to get hands on the files in case the malware is updated by the
> > maintainer - right? 
> > 
> > If this is the question, the answer is: No, we donĀ“t.
> > 
> That's not the question. The question as asked by management is "Why
> does ClamAV report it doesn't catch this virus while these others do?"
> and my answer is "I don't know - and the ClamAV people don't know,
> either". 
> While it's the truth, neither of us looks real good now, and I haven't
> even mentioned that nobody at ClamAV seems particularly proactive
> about looking into it. That will remain our little secret for now.

I'm sure the ClamAV guys will be glad to look into it if you can
provide a copy of the virus.  However, until someone can provide the
virus sample, we really don't know what they were testing and thus
nobody can give any definitive answers.

All I can tell you is that I have ClamAV running on my mailserver and
Symantec on the desktops (both are updated constantly).  ClamAV
catches stuff all the time.  I don't remember the last time something
got through and was caught by Symantec.

Bowie Bailey
BUC International

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