On Oct 23, 2006, at 11:35 AM, Kevin W. Gagel wrote:
From: Chuck Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(I can't block senders just because they don't have reverse DNS
configured, or because forward and reverse DNS does not match.)


Yes you can block them if they don't have a revers DNS. No you shouldn't block them if the reverse doesn't match. The RFC's state that a host MUST
have a reverse DNS and allow for it to NOT match...

Really?  Where in RFCs 1123, 821/2821, or 822/2822 do you see that?

RFC-1123 section 5.2.5 says:

"5.2.5  HELO Command: RFC-821 Section 3.5
[ ... ]
    The HELO receiver MAY verify that the HELO parameter really
    corresponds to the IP address of the sender.  However, the
    receiver MUST NOT refuse to accept a message, even if the
    sender's HELO command fails verification."



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