Bill Landry wrote:
Dennis Peterson wrote the following on 11/26/2006 12:11 PM -0800:
Bill Landry wrote:
Erez Epstein wrote the following on 11/26/2006 1:24 AM -0800:
Hello everybody,

i have set up clamscan to scan all of the server using cron daily
( /usr/local/bin/clamscan -r -i  --exclude-dir=/sys --no-summary / )

the scan is taking too long conisdered to other virus scanners (about
6 hours)
why does it taking so much?
and how can i shorten it while still scaning all files every night.
If you're running clamd, why not use clamdscan instead of clamscan, it's
much faster?

That requires clamd run as root, does it not?


It can run under whatever user account you want it to run under
(however, recommend that it not be root).  See clamd.conf:

# Run as a selected user (clamd must be started by root).
# Default: disabled
User SetUserAccountHere


Quite true. But the only user that has read permissions on all files is root, so if your clamd is running as user clamav it likely will fail to read a lot of files.

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