Bill Landry wrote:
Dennis Peterson wrote the following on 11/29/2006 7:23 AM -0800:

One other option was to run a second instance of clamd pointed to a different config file and run the second instance as root. Then clamdscan should be able to scan all files in all directories without permissions issues.


Recall that the initial requirement was to scan only files that have changed since the previous scan. That is a subset of the entire file system and can certainly involve multiple top level directories. The trick then is to create a means of identifying and scanning an arbitrary number of files in arbitrary locations (second requirement) with a single instance of the tool (third requirement). clamdscan requires the same workarounds as clamscan. While it wasn't a requirement, some kind of logging is essential IMO. It apparently has been accepted without comment that the --include and --exclude options are inadequate for this purpose.

You are quite right though that it happens it is sometimes a good solution to create a short-lived root owned instance of clamd (one that uses a Unix socket written to a root-owned and read-only root directory along with other essential parameters). It doesn't provide any advantage in this situation where the real problem is to present one time an arbitrary length list of files with arbitrary paths to the scanner.

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