Dennis Peterson wrote:

[60 lines snipped]
> I can only tell you from my experience with several years and many
> versions of ClamAV that I have found no advantage in any category to
> running freshclam as a daemon, and running it in cron gives me many
> options not otherwise available - not the least of which is I can run
> it at random intervals to help break up lockstep assaults on the
> servers it polls.

As you know, I'm running freshclam as a daemon, and I'm curious as to
what additional options (or even advantages) you get by running it
under cron? 

> And as an old school Unix admin who still believes in the mentoring
> responsibility of my position, I will make recommendations from time
> to time regarding best practices and I recommend if you run freshclam
> as a daemon that you monitor it and restart it if needed. 

Do you do that for ALL your daemon processes?  As an old school
mainframe sysprog, I don't monitor any of my daemon processes. (apart
from *some* status-monitoring via SNMP).

/Per Jessen, Zürich
PS: even if you're an old school Unix admin, quoting only the relevant
bits in your reply is still considered good netiquette.

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