Hi, Stephen,

first of all, thanks for your reply.

Stephen Gran wrote:

On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 01:12:03PM +0100, Rolf E. Sonneveld said:
Hi, all,

ClamAV 0.88.6/2405/Tue Jan  2 09:39:39 2007
on Solaris 9

During the weekend we had problems on two (out of four) mailservers which run clamav, where freshclam 'died'. i.e. the freshclam process was gone. We use db.nl.clamav.net (on one mailserver) and db.de.clamav.net (on the other mailserver) as mirrors. On system 1, in the freshclam logfile shows:


connect_error: getsockopt(SO_ERROR): fd=0 error=145: Connection timed out


connect_error: getsockopt(SO_ERROR): fd=0 error=146: Connection refused
nonblock_connect: connect timing out (30 secs)


Any help appreciated. AFAIK 0.88.7 is a security related upgrade and will not change the way freshclam behaves?

The change was introduced in 0.88.6 - freshclam was not changed in
0.88.7, as far as I can tell.

Indeed, we had similar (but not necessarily the same) problems under 0.88.5, but much more frequently. Version 0.88.6 solved the problem of freshclam dying for 90 percent, but now and then the problem shows up.

I don't see any changes that should make
freshclm go away off the top of my head.  Can you get a core dump?  Or
even a logfile with timestamps so it's easier to see what happened when?

No core dump was procuded. Furthermore, I tried to enable debugging in freshclam.conf, by editing the file, removing the comment from the Debug statement and restarting freshclam, but until now I don't see any difference regarding the verbosity of the logging in freshclam.log. Does 'Debug' in freshclam.conf require a parameter, like 'enable', or 'on'? Couldn't find this in the docs.


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