Hello all -
New user here, couple quick questions.....

I am trying to support a customer under a bit of duress.  I know Linux,
but have not worked with ClamAV directly myself, so am a bit hesitant
because this is an env. that processes 250k emails a day.

I've read over the FAQ, and things seem fairly clear, but I wanted to
ask a couple quick questions to bolster my confidence before I proceed.
Upgrade will be done via remote access.

RHEL 3 Update 8, AS, on 32-bit Intel 2-way server
Running QMail (netqmail 1.05) (I have seen a post in the archives about
running a QMail script to update the scan headers after install/upgrade)

Current ClamAV is 0.88.4/2061 (installed Oct. last year)

Customer uses a cluster filesystem (IBM GPFS) so config data is in
"non-standard" locations based on shares of this FS.

I see the current release is 0.88.7 - is it advisable to upgrade the
base package as opposed to just the scan DB?  I took a look at the
changelog in the latest stable and it looks like there were some
required fixes, so I'm guessing that's a yes.

The FAQ says "Uninstall Old; Install New" - is there any config data I
should look for in the old build? (I have the log)  Do I need to worry
about losing any config data by uninstalling?  

If it's not obvious, I'm a little concerned about an potential
disruption of service.....  so, if there's any other install tidbits
anyone wants to pass on it's appreciated...


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