On Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:15:41 +0300
Odhiambo Washington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * On 15/01/07 21:12 -0800, Dennis Peterson wrote:
> | Odhiambo Washington wrote:
> | >Hi,
> | >
> | >For some strange reasons, I've seen some malware go past my filters
> | >on several occasions.
> | >One such case is today, where a mail containing two attachments, one
> | >a gif and the other a zip archive, skipped clamd completely and was
> | >delivered to my inbox.
> | >
> | >However, when I extract the attachment from the file and scan it with 
> | >clamd, the worm is detected.
> | >
> | >Either this is a failure of the configuration on my MTA, or in the
> | >way clamd analyzes such e-mail. I am running 0.88.7.
> | 
> | Do you have any kind of minimum size limit a message must have before it 
> | is a candidate for scanning? Many sites don't scan very large messages 
> | because they are outside the typical size for spam/viruses. It's a 
> | choice that brings some risk but it does make things more efficient.
> Yes, I don't subject to scanning any mails whose size exceed 1MB, but
> the mail in question does not meet this criteria.
> -Wash
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Don't forget that mails are delivered in base 64 (usually??) if they're binary, 
and this could exceed the 1MB threshold if they're of any size, as they're a 
lot bigger than the final target..

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