With the "old" clamav, I ran a daily cron job that included saving the scan report to a file:

clamscan -r -l /home/scan.txt --exclude=some_files --exclude=some_more_files /home

This worked well and the "-l" simply added the summary to the report:

Scan started: Sat May 13 06:00:01 2006

-- summary --
Known viruses: 54811
Engine version: 0.88.1
Scanned directories: 1696
Scanned files: 20671
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 12431.47 MB
Time: 5989.892 sec (99 m 49 s)

Now the output of clamscan to the log file includes all messages! My original log file is about 75kb, but grows about 700kb per night!

What do I need to change to just get the summary back?

Clamav 0.90 is about twice as fast as 0.88.1 by the way, (33 m 18 s) versus (62 m 35 s)!

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