Adolf Belka wrote:

> I am pleased to tell you that it looks okay to me now.  The E-mail
> headers are correct and it is showing up with the correct local time
> in my E-mail listing.  Also no Date in future hit with Spamassassin.
> No need to hunt for the slate and chalk anymore. :-))

Thank you!

While I'm here ... to those of you who managed to show some patience and
tolerance while I was working on getting this sorted - many thanks. To
the rest of you, it may have seemed that I was "argumentative" but that
was not the case. I knew the problem was NOT my system clock or timezone
setting so I felt justified in being adamant that the problem did not
lie there. I'm new to DBSD and there are still things to learn. It took
me a bit longer than I would have liked to solve the problem but I'm
happy that I finally found the solution. I don't ever set out to annoy
people in any mailing list I belong to. I am well aware that I did annoy
some of you here, but that was not my intention. It's always a good idea
to remember that not everyone who posts on a list is a geek. A little
politeness and tolerance goes a long way to making people feel welcome
on a list such as this.

Anyway, those of you who were more than happy to have my mail going to
your SPAM folder - you may consider this an apology. Those of you who
actually did your best to help me, without making me feel like an idiot
- may consider it an official "Thank you".

~ Carren
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