Daniel T. Staal schrieb:
On Wed, February 21, 2007 11:57 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Ok - i have made a downgrade to Clamav 0.88.7 - the version before 0.9

Clamassassin runs now - perfect.

Why does the Version 0.9 not work?

From the Clamassassin announce mailing list:

   The problem is that clamscan has removed the --mbox option which was
required in old versions of ClamAV when scanning an email message.  Now
clamscan can scan email messages without any special options and the
--mbox option was removed.  In ClamAV 0.90, running clamscan with this
option will no longer work.  clamassassin had used this option for
compatibility with older versions of ClamAV, so clamassassin will fail
to work with ClamAV's clamscan.

   I am testing a version which fixes this problem.  In the meantime
you have two options:

Daniel T. Staal

Which options do i have ?
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