> > After upgrading to ClamAV 0.90.1, I got problem with message below:
> >
> > clamdscan: corrupt or unknown clamd scanner error or
> > problem - exit status 512/2
> >
> > Would you tell me the source of such problem? Your answer is very
> > appreciated and waited for.
> >
> >
> This is not a clamav issue.  You are probably running clamd as a
> different user or maybe your install configured things as a different
> user than you had in the past.  Check to see what user clamd is running
> as and make sure all clamav directories are accessible by that user.
> Also, is clamd running?
> -Jim

Thanks Jim,

Yes, seems the message was coming from Qmail-Scanner. But the Clamd consume
a lot of CPU resource.

I upgraded the new version for 11 servers. All servers have same
configuration (setting) and but only 1 server that gave me such error. the
user of clamd. The user of clamd has not been changed since ClamAV version
0.7x. I run the clamd with daemontools.

Does it related with "ldconfig -v" that I did not run it yet?

Please advise.

Thx & Rgds,


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