Kaplan, Andrew H. wrote:
Hi there --

I recently upgraded clamav to version 0.90.1. The method that I used was
downloading the Fedora Core 5 binaries into a single directory,
and running the rpm -Uvh *.rpm command. The installation completed successfully.
I checked the log files earlier today and I came across
the following message:

The ClamAV update process (freshclam daemon) was not running!
If you no longer wish to run freshclam, deleting the freshclam.log
file will suppress this error message.

I tried restarting the freshclam daemon via the /etc/init.d/freshclam script,
and while it did appear to restart successfully, the following error
message appeared onscreen:

Starting freshclam: ERROR: Parse error at line 44: Option
AllowSupplementaryGroups requires boolean argument.

What change(s) do I need to make to what file(s) in order to correct this
problem, and ensure that freshclam does update properly? Thanks.

You need to carefully read and understand the documentation and change logs, and you might wish to visit the ClamAV wiki. Then edit the clamd.conf and freshclam.conf files and make certain that every option is either commented out as appropriate (accept the default) or add a yes or no as appropriate. All options now require an argument.

When you have finished, run the clamconf tool and capture the output to a permanent location for future reference (This should be added to the best practices wiki page). You will likely need it when you next update ClamAV and this will help.

This should be in the best practices page if it's not already there: Always review the clamd.conf and freshclam.conf files before and after an update. Depending on the installer your existing files can be overwritten and perhaps the contents lost forever (clamconf is your friend).

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