
during debuging the performance/HIGH-CPU-problem in Solaris10, I found severeal
times this:

LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 10620, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 10620, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 10620, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 10620, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 10620, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 10620, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 10620, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 8256, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 8256, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 8256, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 8256, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 8256, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 8256, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 8256, expected: 0 
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 11682, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 11682, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 11682, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 11682, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 11682, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 11682, expected: 0
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 11682, expected: 0


LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 176, expected: 0 (JS.Feebs.C)
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 10841, expected: 0 (JS.Feebs.C)
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 176, expected: 0 (JS.Feebs.C)
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 10391, expected: 0 (JS.Feebs.C)
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 174, expected: 0 (JS.Feebs.C)
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 1085, expected: 0 (JS.Feebs.C)
LibClamAV debug: Signature offset: 11150, expected: 0 (JS.Feebs.C)

Running as user exim (UID 101, GID 6)
clamd daemon 0.90.1 (OS: solaris2.10, ARCH: i386, CPU: i386)
Log file size limit disabled.
Reading databases from /opt/clamav/share/clamav
LibClamAV debug: Initializing the engine (0.90.1)

Any ideas if this is correct?

Christian Kühn
(Technical Consultant / Hostmaster)

Essener Bogen 17 - 22419 Hamburg - Germany
Tel +49 (0)40 53773 0 - Fax: +49 (0)40 53773 200
Web: http://www.mcs.de
Eingetragen im Handelsregister Hamburg B62933
Geschäftsführer: Kai Brandes & Eckard Kabel
GPG 8B52 41A1 4B8F 4DE7 9064  2073 6168 137A 3DDA 0F36
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