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Rick Pim wrote:

> ./configure --prefix=/export/home/clamav --enable-milter --without-libcurl
> with ScanArchive yes in clamd.conf, it starts and seems to be scanning
> okay. CPU usage seems a lot 'spikier' than 0.88.7 with peaks at 80% or
> more of the (4 CPU) system. when the CPU peaks, there always seems to
> be a logged message on the console:
> ERROR: No data received from clamd in 120 seconds
> clamfi_eom: read nothing from clamd on sennit

This must be the milter having time-outs and wrongly reporting to the console.
I don't have experience with the milter, I can't comment about what may be 

> at which point the CPU falls back. the memory footprint of clamd
> also seems to increase: after about an hour (wall clock) top
> claims it's 95-100MB. CPU usage at the same time is 81 minutes --
> about 1/3 of the total available. kinda sorta.

Something is very wrong there, after 1 day running I have clamd using only 32M
of RAM (30M RSS).  How many clamd threads do you see?

> at the two hour point, the system load is about 16 and the CPU is 90%+
> and staying there. there is certainly an _improvement_ by adding
> '--without-libcurl'. but it's not a miracule cure. :-)

I agree, that didn't solve anything.
- --
René Berber
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