On Apr 12, 2007, at 3:55 PM, Tomasz Kojm wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Apr 2007 16:42:07 -0600 (MDT)
> James Bourne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yes it may be possible, but that's still no excuse for clamd to  
>> bail when
>> presented with two sets of data files, one invalid and one valid.
> There's no perfect solution to this problem. The only good one I  
> could think
> of is an option to clamscan/clamd that would only allow loading of  
> digitally
> signed databases and ignore all the rest. Of course, external dbs  
> (sane,
> msrbl, etc.) would no longer be supported in such a mode.

It seems to me that there are two issues here, not one, and that we  
don't have to achieve a perfect solution to both in order to still  
improve the situation.

By this I mean that it would be nice if clamd/freshclam could confirm  
whether a DB file has been downloaded completely and correctly,  
perhaps by encoding the filesize and checksum into the header of the  
cvd/ndb/inc files.  (In fact, I think that if GNU MP is available,  
ClamAV already does such sanity checking-- sigtool seems to show a  
MD5 and digital signature from .cvd files, at least.  But there seems  
to be a problem where some of the time, if freshclam's attempt to get  
an update results in a failed download, it does not revert back to  
using the former version of the database.  This seems to be the  
failure mode with the recent major update that has spawned much email  
to the list recently.)

The second issue is whether a given DB file is trusted.

There are plenty of public-key systems available-- using X.509 certs  
and having the local admin list which server keys are trusted, and  
have database downloads or updates happen only if freshclam can  
negotiate a TLS session with a server cert which is trusted would do;  
another choice, which probably would be easier on the update servers,  
would be to use GnuPG/OpenPGP/etc and have published .sig file for  
the cvd/ndb/inc files-- have freshclam invoke "gpg --verify", which  
tests both the integrity of the DB file, and checks whether the local  
admin has added the signer of the file to their keyring to indicate  
that they trust that person to publish updates.

So if I want to utilize the Sane or MSRBL databases, and they were  
published with a .sig file, it would be up to me to import the  
signing key into the clamav (or vscan or whatever user account ClamAV  
runs as)'s keyring.


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