René Berber wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Michael Heiming wrote:
> | clamav-wrapper is the same file from the latest MS, the
> | patched applied cleanly after editing out some garbled text. So I gues
> | it is just the same with the clamav-wrapper patch, though I can't find
> | what causes the problem to let the patch fail? ;(
> Have you looked into the reject file?  It probably is something simple since
> that file also has not changed between versions.
> My MS--4.58.9 has many (simple changes) so I think is better not to send 
> it... I
> change "#!/bin/perl" in all perl scripts to use a second installation of perl,
> and do a couple of changes so logging works better under Solaris (both 
> subjects
> have been commented on the MS list, I just don't like the way it is).


thx a bunch for sending the patch as attachment off the list. Works like 
a charm, performance is well back. ;-) Seem it was indeed the patch just 
got garbled on the list, as thought.

Best regards

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