Captain Hook wrote:
> I would like to ask one question.
> I currently updated amavisd-new-2.5.2,1 clamav-0.90.3 in FreeBSD, and it
> turned out the speed of sending out and receiving the email becomes so slow.
> I discovered that amavisd-new is proceeding the virus scanning by using
> clamscan, which takes 2 process by capacity 60%-90% of CPU,
> meanwhile it takes 3 minutes to scan one email.
> Do you have any idea how to solve this problem?

When you restart amavisd, check /var/log/maillog and see whether it then finds 
the clamd socket as the primary virus scanner, rather than just clamscan.

Double-check which users amavisd and clamd are running as-- the default ports 
config seems to have clamd running as the "clamav" user, and 
amavisd+SpamAssassin as "vscan".  Enabling in clamd.conf 
"AllowSupplimentaryGroups" option and adding the "clamav" userid to the vscan 
group in /etc/groups lets them talk.

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