Hello James,

> Tomasz Kojm wrote:
> >>> Both the ClamAV engine and the signature database will remain under GPL.
> >> Until they start charging for current updates, etc. like they do with
> >> Snort...
> > you should rest assured that the virus database will stay GPL and will be
> I'm complaining now...  because the virus database is not the source
> to build the binaries.  If hey are only saying the virus database is
> the ONLY part to stay GPL we may have to pay through the nose for the
> source to build the compiled binaries!
> I'm HOPING this hasn't happened and you mis-typed your reply.

The answer is in the first line of the message quoted by Tomasz. 

We also made it clear in the FAQ on the acquisition, quoting from

Q. Will the project still be licensed under GPL?
A. Yes, the ClamAV engine and CVD will remain under GPL.

Q. Will the ClamAV team continue to work on the project?
A. Yes, the core team will continue to lead the advancement of ClamAV and 
   the CVD as employees of Sourcefire.

Sourcefire also makes it clear in their FAQ at

Q. Will Sourcefire change the way that ClamAV open source software is
A. Sourcefire has no current plans to change the way the ClamAV software is
   offered to end-users. Sourcefire is committed to investing in and
   advancing the ClamAV technology, just as we have with Snort and
   Snort.org. Sourcefire is *absolutely committed* to the continued
   distribution of ClamAV *and* the ClamAV malware database as an open
   source solution under the terms of the GPL.

Hope that answers your question. 

Best regards

Luca Gibelli (luca _at_ clamav.net) - ClamAV, a GPL anti-virus toolkit 
[Tel] +1 706 7054022 [Fax] +1 706 5345792 [IM] nervous/jabber.linux.it
PGP key id 5EFC5582 @ key server || http://www.clamav.net/gpg/luca.gpg
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