At 02:37 PM 8/28/2007, micah wrote:
>I'm getting a number of these in my logs now that clamav-milter is
>chewing away at incoming SMTP requests:
>Aug 28 03:59:40 mx2 postfix/smtpd[30473]: NOQUEUE: milter-reject: RCPT
>from[]: 554 5.7.1 Suspicious
>recipient address blocked; from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>proto=ESMTP helo=<>

Looks as if clamav-milter is hardcoded to reject the recipient "|;" 
with that message.
Something should also be logged by clamav-milter.

>but I'm not seeing what the recipient actually is.

A minor bug in postfix logging, already fixed in recent snapshots.

Noel Jones  

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