Tony Baker wrote:

> Hi after a recent upgrade of ClamAV
> Some mail is having   (No virus check: internal error)   appended to
> the subject line.

Nigel Horne wrote:
That message appears nowhere in the ClamAV source code, so I presume
it's generated by some 3rd party software which you haven't told us  
using and I would suggest aiming your enquiry to their mailing list.

Nigel Hi !
Thanks for the reply

Apologies if I have sent this to the wrong list, but the message  
started occurring after an upgrade of ClamAV.

I have also upgraded spamassassin and amavis-new, but the messages  
started after upgrading ClamAV.

My system is an Intel Apple Xserver running MacOSX 10.4.10 using  
postfix for mail.

Do you think I should be trying the amavis or spamassassin lists then??


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