Hi there,

On Monday November 12, 2007 at 04:22:47 (PM) David F. Skoll wrote:

> Really?  All posters on this thread who gave an opinion wanted
> PhishingScanURLs off by default.
> I invite users who want PhishingScanURLs to be on by default to come
> forward; I'll happily go with the majority decision.

I invite users who really care about this issue to send mail directly
to Mr. Skoll, and not to add to the noise on the ClamAV mailing list.

On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 Dennis Peterson wrote:

> I think it's a non-issue. Even timid users need to edit the file as
> a minimum to disable the "Example" line. Once there I'm certain they
> can then change the other critical areas that require attention.

+1 to that, and I don't intend to add any pseudo-legitimacy to this
voting nonsense either.

There are more important issues.  Please let's kill this thread.


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