On 2007-11-22 10:12, Toukam Buga wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm Toukam from Italy, I've download the clamAV and i'll like to nkow, i
> tryed to scan and check up the prensence of virus on my computer, but the
> program could just scan the files of the directory in with i
> was.Myquestions are:
>    -  How should i do the configuration of this AV program?
>    -  Which is the comand to introduce to let the program scan all the
>    fils on the hard disk and all the hard disk on the computer?

To configure properly clamav antivirus you shuold edit the config files you 
find in the 'etc' directory where clamav is installed.

Assuming you're using a Linux Operating System edit:


To scan the entire hard disk you can try this:

        clamscan / -r -i        (the scan takes much time)

the -r flag tells clamav to scan each directory recursively
the -i flag tells clamav to show on the screen informations of the infected 
files only

/ is the path you want to scan and in this example represents the root mount 
point of your hard drive
but if you have other HD mounted elsewhere, substitute / with the correct path 
pointing to the desired device.

To see all the options recognized by clamscan type:

        clamscan --help

Best regards,
Alessandro Volturno.

Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit http://wiki.clamav.net

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