Hello G.W.,

> > > My freshclam logs say that the mirror in Oxford, England has failed to
> > > supply ClamAV database updates since about November 6th.  According to
> >
> > that's not true.
> Forgive me for insisting, but what I wrote is true.  That is, I have
> told you what is in my logs.  Of course my logs don't tell me whether
> the mirror has been supplying updates for others. :)

that's only because your freshclam blacklisted this mirror and didn't check 
it again for some time. 
In the meantime the problem with the mirror was fixed (I notified the
admin and he resolved the issue).

Unfortunately by the time the blacklist in your freshclam expired, the
problem with the mirror had reappeared. 

So from your point of view the mirror has been always broken since
November 6th.

> > wget clamav.public-internet.co.uk/daily.cvd gives me the CVD from
> > November 22nd.
> Indeed the mirror does supply daily.cvd correctly.  It's the cdiff
> files that it doesn't seem to be supplying.  Try this:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ged]$ wget 
> http://clamav.public-internet.co.uk/daily-4980.cdiff
> --11:26:16--  http://clamav.public-internet.co.uk/daily-4980.cdiff

My point is that the mirror stopped working November 22nd and not November
The latest update released on November 22nd is 4876, and in fact the
cdiff for 4876 is available:

$ wget clamav.public-internet.co.uk/daily-4876.cdiff
--15:16:12--  http://clamav.public-internet.co.uk/daily-4876.cdiff
           => `daily-4876.cdiff'
Connecting to clamav.public-internet.co.uk:80... connected!
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

I'm not saying that the mirror is working correctly, otherwise both the
latest CVD and cdiff would be available.

> > you can find similar matches for almost every mirror, because every
> > mirror has problems from time to time.
> In my logs I see persistent problems only with the mirror in Oxford:

because you are using the UK round robin :) you have no visibility of
mirrors outside your country.

Anyway I agree with you, this mirror has been a little more problematic than
the other mirrors in UK lately.

OTOH I must say that public-internet.co.uk has been providing bandwidth
and resources for ClamAV for a long time with excellent quality and the 
recent problems should not let us forget the precious help we received from 

> > I usually give them about 1 week to fix the problem and then temporarily
> > remove them from the round robin (that means you should see it disappear
> > very soon).
> > If the problem is not fixed after 1 month, the mirror is dropped.
> Is that documented somewhere?

only under www.clamav.net/doc/mirrors IIRC, which I must admit is not really
a prominent link :)
> Is there something the community can do to help?  I can easily script

The best thing the community can do to solve such problems is to provide
more mirrors so that we can filter out the most unreliable ones.

> something to report such problems, say after some grace period.

I already constantly monitor all mirrors using a custom nagios plugin
that verifies both cvd and cdiff updates for availability and freshness.

Feedback from our community is *always* welcome and appreciated. Feel
free to contact me directly whenever you think some problem requires my

Best regards

Luca Gibelli (luca _at_ clamav.net)      ClamAV, a GPL anti-virus toolkit
[Tel] +39 06 916502176 [Fax] +39 0187 015046 [IM] nervous/jabber.linux.it
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