Hi all.

I'm trying to track down a performance issue that I get using clamwin,
and I've traced the problem back to clamav (I've tested clamav's
current subversion on my Debian Etch box).

On my Thinkpad T60, I can run clamscan against a 24 megabyte binary
(filled with random bytes) in about 10 seconds. When I run clamscan
against my 24 megabyte ole2 document, it takes 675 seconds, which
works out at over 67 times as long to process a similar sized file.

I fully realize that there is additional overhead in scanning compound
documents, but a 6600% increase seems rather excessive. Is my best bet
to log this as a bug, or am I missing something obvious here?

In case anyone else would like to repeat my experiment, the files are here:


Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

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