
In December 2006, we were running ClamAV 0.88.7, and there were still
a fair number of "real" viruses being detected in inbound email. Now
running 0.91.2 and 0.92, there seem to be only phishing attempts, and
not even very many of them. In fact it seems that our log file shows
almost as many (hourly) signature update messages as phish detections
(much less "real" virus detections).

Have other ClamAV users experienced a similar decline in email


And this can be considered "bad news" for clamav integrators :).

I can confirm this also.

I get less and less "virus/worm" in email, but scam / spam and all waste of email are more and more detected.

Maybe email is going to be more and more useless and signal over noise in this is getting worse than before... (noise = spam....)..


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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