
ClamAV 0.92.1 (debian volatile) can't scan pdf files. 
I get the following error: "Files number limit exceeded".

My clam.conf is:

ArchiveMaxRecursion 0,
ArchiveMaxFiles 0, 
ArchiveMaxFileSize 30M (I'm scanning pdf near 3M)
ArchiveMaxCompressionRatio 500
ArchiveLimitMemoryUsage false

I don't understand, what's the problem.

Also, my ClamAV can't scan rar 3 files.

 I have Unrar non-free version installed 
and my File-Roller is showing and unpacking rar 3 files. 

I used the following commands:

$ clamscan
$ clamscan --unrar ./*
$ clamscan --unrar=/usr/bin/unrar ./*

And I get:

LibClamAV Warning: RAR code not compiled-in
/home/shumkar/soft/downloads/rar3_virus/./clam.rar: OK

Then, if I unpack clam.rar with unrar, or with File-Roller:

$ clamscan --unrar=/usr/bin/unrar ./*
/home/shumkar/soft/downloads/rar3_virus/./clam.exe: ClamAV-Test-File
LibClamAV Warning: RAR code not compiled-in
/home/shumkar/soft/downloads/rar3_virus/./clam.rar: OK

I don't understand... 

Please explain me, what's wrong?


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