Brian Bebeau wrote:
> We have a test box that is a local update server (that our other
> boxes get the dbs from) that I just upgraded to 0.93. The upgrade
> works well on my personal workstation, but fails on this box. Any
> pointers on getting this updating will be appreciated. It was
> updating ok before the upgrade. Trying to retrieve the daily db
> via wget resolves the host but hangs before returning any data.
> Trying to download (IP:
> BTW, on my box that's working okay, clamconf returns the
> last line as saying daily db is also not found, when it
> really is there. Does clamconf need to be updated to
> recognize .cld files
Hi Brian,

What happens if you  put into browser 
addressbar? It should download the file.
Are you running Freshclam? As daemon or from cron? If from cron, what 
time are you checking?


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