
I have a problem with Clamuko.

My kernel 2.6.18 is recompiled with Linux Capabilities as module, and
dazuko is inserted and running:

# cat /proc/devices | grep dazuko
254 dazuko

# lsmod | grep dazuko
dazuko                 48780  0
commoncap               7008  2 capability,dazuko

# ls /dev | grep dazuko

Also, my clamav 0.93~dfsg-1 from Debian unstable is recompiled without
flag --disable-clamuko in /debian/rules.

Also, I have added the following rows in clamd.conf:
ClamukoScanOnAccess true
ClamukoScanOnOpen true
ClamukoScanOnClose true
ClamukoScanOnExec true
ClamukoIncludePath /
ClamukoExcludePath /proc
ClamukoExcludePath /home/<my_user>/.evolution/mail/pop/<my_account>/cache
ClamukoMaxFileSize 30M
and changed to User to root.

Clamscan is working well, everything is ok. But Clamuko doesn't work at
all, neither after 
# /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon stop
# /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon start,
no after reboot.

Here is the result of 
# tail /var/log/clamav/clamav.log :
Mon May 12 22:25:57 2008 -> Portable Executable support enabled. Mon May
12 22:25:57 2008 -> ELF support enabled.
Mon May 12 22:25:57 2008 -> Mail files support enabled.
Mon May 12 22:25:57 2008 -> OLE2 support enabled.
Mon May 12 22:25:57 2008 -> PDF support disabled.
Mon May 12 22:25:57 2008 -> HTML support enabled.
Mon May 12 22:25:57 2008 -> Self checking every 1800 seconds.
Mon May 12 22:25:57 2008 -> Clamuko is not available.
Mon May 12 22:26:00 2008 -> ClamAV-milter started at Mon May 12 22:26:00
2008Mon May 12 22:26:00 2008 -> Starting ClamAV version 0.93,
clamav-milter version0.93

What's wrong??


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