Brian Morrison wrote:
> Brian Morrison wrote:
>> So, bearing in mind that the package for clamav-db built contained two
>> .cvd files and didn't install one of them for some reason, what
>> happened? I have not changed the spec file I use to build clamav other
>> than editing the version number to be built. The files section for
>> clamav-db shows that daily.cvd and main.cvd are marked as
>> %config(noreplace) but there is no specific instruction on dealing with
>> .cld files. Why did this work for 0.93->0.93.1?
> Just looked at my freshclam log file.
> With 0.93.1 I had a daily.cld at version 7655.
> Freshclam ran after installing 0.93.2, and it downloaded
> daily-7652.cdiff, daily-7653.cdiff, daily-7654.cdiff and
> daily-7655.cdiff and processed them.
> It seems that adding these 4 cdiffs onto what was already version 7655
> was what upset things.

Ah, maybe the daily.cvd in the rpm I built was actually daily-7651, so
it was really installed.

But why did clamd choke on this file when it was restarted? It's happy
with the cvd of version 7655.


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