fchan schrieb:
> Hi,
> I don't know if your seeing this also but since Monday July 28, 2008 
> I seen double and more in viruses caught by clamav in my mail server. 
> My daily average has been about 100 viruses for our mail server for 
> the last 8 months but since Monday July 28, 2008 my daily average has 
> increased  from 200 to 300 and still increasing.  The two "popular" 
> viruses on my mail server are Email.Phishing.Bank-42 and   
> Email.PornTeaser-1.
> I'm checking if anyone else seen this increase or they are just have 
> "fun" with my mail server.
> Frank
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its the same here
very popular *g

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer

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