jef moskot wrote:

> Any advice would be welcome, including "STFU and RTFM", as long as you can
> point me to a decent manual.  Thanks!

I've been using J-Chkmail for years and I love it because there is no 
Perl (I really like Perl but I hate CPAN - two or more trips to CPAN to 
get something working is one trip too many), it is very feature rich, it 
is easy to configure, and it works great.

It provides URL blacklists, dns blacklists, sender behavior analysis, 
greylist management including a stand-alone greylist db server for 
clustered mail servers, regular expression scanning, an interface to 
ClamAV that is flawless, intense logging and an effective rrdtool 
graphing tool (a bit of perl shows up here). Every aspect of filtration 
is controllable to provide both white and black listing. It is installed 
as a milter and runs in Sendmail as well as Postfix.

It can be communicated with via Unix sockets or tcp/ip sockets, and can 
be configured into a round-robin load balancing cluster to provide huge 
efficiencies and reliabilities (Google Balance Proxy).

All of these features can be installed and be working in under 30 
minutes. Visit Jose-Marcio Martin da Cruz's site at to learn more.

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