David F. Skoll wrote:
>> No, I did not say that.  I said it was trivial.  I am just pointing out that
>> it is irrelevant while the SMTP conversation is still going on.  It is
>> impossible(mostly) to forge the IP the message is being sent from if there
>> is a live SMTP conversation going on and while that conversation is going
>> on you know exactly what is sending you the garbage and you know exactly
>> what to tell you don't want it.  There is zero backscatter.
> You obviously misunderstand SMTP.  Please reread RFC 2821 and 2822.
> If you have further questions, let's take them off-list because this
> thread is likely boring to SMTP veterans.

No need to be condescending about it.  I have no problem taking it off
list and explaining how you are mistaken.


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