On 2008-12-04 05:49, Chris wrote:
> I'm a bit confused. Looking at my clamstats for 30 Nov I see:
> Last Database Update            Sun Nov 30 23:32:57 2008
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Total viruses detected          407
> Total Database Signatures       469,236
> for 1 Dec:
> Last Database Update            Mon Dec  1 23:11:34 2008
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Total viruses detected          413
> Total Database Signatures       31,346
> In the script I run there is this line:
>               if (/main\.(?:cvd|inc).+\(version:\s(\d+),\ssigs:\s(\d+),/) {

.inc is no longer used, you should replace that with cld.

>                       #print "MAIN: $2\n";
>                       $fcmainversion = $1;
>                       $fcmaincount = $2;
> Up until today the first line read:
> if (/main\.(?:cld|inc).+\(version:\s(\d+),\ssigs:\s(\d+),/) {

Use 'cvd|cld' and not cld|inc or cvd|inc.

> and was giving total sigs as shown on 30 Nov, on 1 Dec the total dropped as 
> shown. I just went in and changed :cld to :cvd which brought the total sigs 
> back to what I imagine is the correct amount.
> Last Database Update            Wed Dec  3 21:24:51 2008
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Total viruses detected          429
> Total Database Signatures       470,759
> Seems like every month or so I have to make the change from either cld to cvd 
> or cvd to cld. What, if anything, could be the reason for this?

.cvd is the full database as downloaded from the mirror, .cld is a
locally built file from previous .cvd/.cld plus incremental updates.
It may happen that an incremental update failed to download, and
freshclam has fallen back to downloading the entire database, thus you
get a .cvd
instead of a .cld.

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