Dennis Peterson schrieb:
> Robert wrote:
>> Would this then cause clamdwatch to assume Clamd had crashed
>> and restart it accordingly ??
>> If I'm way off base here, be merciful....
> Change the logic so that clamdwatch alerts only after two or more failures to 
> connect. There's lots of reasons why a single failure can trigger an alert.
> dp
> _______________________________________________
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you may use monit to restart clam, work here like charme

i use something like this with monit


#   Clamavd: (virus scan daemon)
#   ----------------------------
check process clamavd with pidfile /var/lib/clamav/
   start program = "/etc/init.d/clamd start"
   stop  program = "/etc/init.d/clamd stop"
#    if failed unix /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl then restart
   if failed host localhost port 3310 then restart
   group virus
   depends clamavd_init
   depends clamavd_bin
check file clamavd_init with path /etc/init.d/clamd
   group virus
check file clamavd_bin with path /usr/sbin/clamd
   group virus

it also usefull with freshclam, postgrey, spamd, serveral milters

monit can alert you via mail by doing actions, also does logging to
syslog as well as clam should do it, so there should be no problem
to notice about crashes

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer

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