Per Jessen wrote:
> Any chance of making the source package available without the current
> cvd databases?  The current package is 24Mb, without the CVD it's only
> 3Mb.  Just a suggestion, but it might just save some bandwidth.
> /Per Jessen, Zürich

Some RPM packages have gone this route; however, you still need to
download the database to get a working ClamAv installation.  So, either
way you are going to have to download the database files, if this is a
fresh NEW installation.

Some HISTORY (from what I remember)
1)  The source is built on the idea that you should be able to download,
compile, and install and have a working installation.  To make thing
easier, the tarball has the latest databases at the time packaged so NEW
users don't get troubled with a LARGE download just after installing and
trying to use the tools for the first time.
2)  Wasn't long ago, ClamAv would crash and not function without a set
of database files installed.  It wasn't till recently that the freshclam
demon could download a fresh set of databases and not just upgrade them.
 (0.90 or something like that)...
3)  RPM builders have switched to this as an attempt to satisfy the
users... don't know the fallout for this; since this involves extra RPM
packages to be installed by new users.  Some have also gone to packaging
the client and server software separately again for those using a
complicated networked approach to ClamAv.

Final Thoughts
1)  It could be possible to offer both on the web-site; however that
increases the possibility NEW users may download the wrong one and get
stuck with the LARGE download and complaints will rise.
2)  aCaB is correct, you can get the sources via SVN.  Granted it isn't
the most convenient method; but, you will be getting what you want.

James Kosin

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