steven sprague schrieb:
> Is it safe to upgrade using a RPM file from a ClamAV recommended site?
> and install it on top of source install or the reverse?

I would avoid it. I've had troubles with that in the past.
(Don't ask for details - it's been long ago, around version 0.88,
and I didn't keep records.)

> How can I discover if my original install came from source or rpm?

Just ask RPM:

% rpm -qf /path/to/some/file

will tell you whether that file was installed by RPM and if so,
which package it belongs to. For example:

[...@gimli ~]$ rpm -qf /usr/local/bin/clamscan
file /usr/local/bin/clamscan is not owned by any package
[...@gimli ~]$ rpm -qf /usr/sbin/sendmail

shows that ClamAV was installed from source on that machine,
while Sendmail came from the EL5 package.


Tilman Schmidt
Phoenix Software GmbH
Bonn, Germany

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