On Fri, 28 Aug 2009 12:06:45 +0200
aCaB <aca...@digitalfuture.it> wrote:

> Jerry wrote:
> > If not, would this syntax work in the
> > clamav-milter.conf file?
> > 
> > SkipAuthenticated ^(m...@hostname.mydomain.net \
> >                 y...@hostname.mydomain.net \
> >                     ot...@hostname.mydomain.net)$
> Unfortunately not.
> The feature was requested by a single person (who also provided a
> draft patch to whitelist *all* auth'ed users). I took the idea and
> made it use a regex as i thought it would allow to whitelist things
> like "....@domain" with ease.
> If this doesn't work for you (i can certainly see why) then please
> open a ticket on the bugzilla to optionally make it read entries from
> a file. When time permits I'll work on that.
> -aCaB

Thanks, I will do that. I certainly would not want to white-list all
authenticated users, so using "....@domain" would probably be overkill,
although I can see the usefulness of the concept for other users. The
option to white-list all authenticated uses without listing each user
individually might be a good option for the milter. Personally, I
would prefer to maintain a separate file to make maintaining the list

How clamav-milter would handle an external file is also a concern.
Would it read it only upon start up, or reread it whenever it is
modified? The latter method would eliminate the need to restart the
milter if the file is modified making system management easier. Perhaps
having it reread the file a preset interval like clamd does with it's
definition files would be acceptable.


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