>> From: ja...@iki.fi
>> To: clamav-users@lists.clamav.net
>> Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 22:55:31 +0300
>> Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] nonblock_connect: connect
>> timing out (30 secs) 
>>>> The second symptom is from not running clamd, or having
>>>> a wrong path to clamav's config file in freshclam.conf.
>>>> If you don't have clamd running (which I recommend),
>>>> comment out the
>>>> NotifyClamd <clamav config file>
>>>> or make sure the argument to NotifyClamd correctly
>>>> points to clamd's config file.
>>> OK. How do I run clamd?
>>> Do I only need to issue the command "clamd" and that's
>>> it? After that will I have on-access protection?
>>> If I reboot the PC, will clamd shutdown itself
>>> gracefully, or do I first need to send some command so
>>> clamd deactivates itself correctly (not leaving sockets
>>> opened like Haywood said)??
>> No. There should be a startup script like
>>     /etc/init.d/clamd
>> or
>>     /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon
>> which should be run automatically when the system starts
>> and stops. The normal *nix way. 
>> _______________________________________________
>> Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit
>> http://wiki.clamav.net http://www.clamav.net/support/ml
> Hello,
> But do I really need clamd??
> As far as I can tell, clamd "only" gives me on-access
> protection, right? 
> Thank you
> Agostinho

No, clamd does not give to transparent backgroup protection, like the Windows 
antivirus tools to. It is a daemonized version of clamscan, which means that it 
preloads the signature databases to memory, and scans the viruses in rapid 
manner when requested, as it does not need to reload the database again and 
again everyting like clamscan has to.

Its purpose is speed up the scanning process. If you are familiar with 
SpamAssassin, clamd works like spamd in SpamAssassin.

clamd sits resident in memory, and the client, clamdscan works as its client, 
passing the material to clamd to process. This is fast and efficient compared 
to plain clamscan. Saves resources and time needed to scan.

Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit http://wiki.clamav.net

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